all content will be submitted privately to Viktor Devonne and not shared elsewhere. if selected, Viktor will message you at the email address you provide to set up a time to record your story, and chat any other elements. it should be a story with a beginning, middle, and end, and Viktor may ask follow-up questions--as it will be for an edited audio episode, Viktor may edit out elements of the story for the purpose of clarity.
Viktor will be delighted to promote your projects, merch, or materials in exchange for your time, on the podcast and in the footnotes/website of the pod.
Viktor will provide an audio release to you at the time of agreement with the express understanding the audio will become property of Viktor Deconnee and he will have the right to take, edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, distribute and make use of any and all audio of to be used in and/or for any lawful purpose under the WEBurlesque/Viktor Devonne/White Elephant Burlesque/Burlesque Ghost Stories headings.