Performer Rules and Conduct

The Business - for WEBurlesque At Rockbar.

SAFETY. Inappropriate touching or verbal harassment will not be tolerated. If you are unsafe due to performer, staffmember, or audience member, please alert me or Jason behind the bar. Rockbar has our back and will remove persons who engage inappropriately with performers or patrons. This also means; be kind to others. While I may not be able to remove someone you are uncomfortable sharing a space with, I will do everything I can to protect the cast, and audience.

There are two bathrooms: one unisex that locks, and one with urinals only. They are on the street floor only, and not suitable for dressing for doing makeup. They are open to the public at all times.

The only people who are allowed in the dressing room downstairs at any time during the night are: this week's White Elephant Burlesque cast and crew, Rockbar staff (this includes drag performers who may not be performing w/ us that evening), the 7pm drag show guests, and the occasional someone on a mission for Viktor who was cleared by him beforehand. No one is allowed in the Rockbar office. No one is allowed to bring anyone down with them without checking with Viktor. This is for legal reasons, so do not mess with this.

NUDITY. WEBurlesque has a policy of nipple and crotch coverage. This means pasties/glitter/coverings for ALL GENDERS, and acceptable garments of g-trings, thongs, c-strings, merkins. We have had occasions of props covering naked genitals as final reveals. This has been acceptable thus far, as well - but do that test drive at home.

DRINKING. Drink tickets will be provided to you by 8pm. Please be nice to Jason, Patrick, and Joey - our bartenders - and please limit your free drink to well/wine/beer. Be safe and know your limits. They pour strong; it's a darkish room, and stage of a certain size, and most of us are in heels. Please also be courteous and patient with Jason and the bar staff when going to and from the dressing room and the stage area. He's got a job to do, too, and the demand for him fluctuates greatly between shows (there are 3 events total for Wednesday nights, with some blending). If you decide to gift the drink ticket, PLEASE get the drink yourself and pass the drink onto your guest -- do not give them the drink ticket. White Elephant does not have a drink-intake maximum rule. Don't create one. People who are rude to our bartenders do not get booked again. Tip.

COMPS. There are no comps for this show. Admission is $10 (pay whatchu can) and there is no drink minimum. Please help me keep this show alive by bringing friends and well-wishers to this show to support it financially. Please find the door person designated for the evening, if you arrive with someone you are paying for, and pay them at the top of the night. You may also pay me directly for them.

PAYMENT. $$ envelopes are provided by the end of the night, but usually at the start of call. I can PayPal, Venmo, or Google Wallet you if you tell me to. The kitten will give you your tips after your act.

LEAVING EARLY. If you need to haul your cookies somewhere else before the official climax of WEBurlesque (approx 9:45pm), please warn me in advance, particularly so I can pay you before you go -- but also so I can make a note for curtain call to expect your absence. If it is an emergency and you have to leave before the show is over, please let at least the door person know if you cannot get ahold of me so they can tell me.

CALL. Please be on time. If you are running late, facebook me or text me at 973-356-6116. We start between 8:30-8:40pm. Continuously late individuals, particularly without giving notice, will not be considered for re-booking.

SOUND. There is a designated, experienced, party in the DJ booth; they'll be hitting play so if you need to start in position versus on-intro, please give them (and me) a heads-up. YOU MUST HAVE ALREADY SENT YOUR MUSIC TO VIKTOR. No USBs, no phones, and no CDs may be provided to the DJ at the show.

PLUGS. I will spend some moderate time on your upcoming shows, past titles, etc but will spend more time talking about why I dig what you do. Please provide me with any notes relevant to your career and I will do my best to include them.

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU DO COSTUME/PROP CHECKS AT THE END OF THE SHOW TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE EVERYTHING BEFORE YOU HEAD HOME. You are responsible for your own tallying of clothes and props before you leave after the kitten collects and returns them. This is an active gay bar every night with different entertainers, so do not risk "it'll be there next week" upstairs or downstairs. Be aware, the back wall curtain and side wall of the stage have a habit of snatching stray gloves and unmentionables when tossed.

I love y'all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

x Viktor