Anja Keister The Dicey Dame of Burlesque
Performer Information
The Dicey Dame of Burlesque, Anja Keister is an in-demand nerdlesque and neo-burlesque wonder. WE's been thrileld to include her in our shows, where she has shown grace and range from The Invisible Man to Dolores Umbridge to the Virgin Mary.
A natural 20 herself, she is the fearless leader of the great D20 Burlesque in New York City, and has been around North America as an ambassador of the geeky, the nerdy, and the sparkly.
named: "The Sexiest Nerd in NYC"
• nominee: Zoomologist
• winner: Makeup Maven • nominee: Strongest Selfie Game • nominee: The Sexy Nerd • nominee: Hair Magnifique • nominee: Foster Parent of Burlesque
• winner: Geek of All Media (w/ Fem Appeal) • nominee: The Many Faced God/Meryl Streep Award • nominee: The Resister Award
• winner: Backstage Mom (shared w/ Holly Ween) • nominee: Perfectly Cromulent • nominee: Fall Risk
winner: Funniest Burlesque Performance (for her Cthulhu act)
nominee: The Meme Award nominee: The Testy Tummy Award