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Iris Explosion

Performer Information
2021 Silver Tusk Awards
 •  nominee: Funkiest Tweeter

2020 Silver Tusk Awards
 •  nominee: Most Marvelous Muppet

2018 Silver Tusk Awards
 •  nominee: Comic Genius
 •  nominee: Unconventional Conventionist

2017 Silver Tusk Awards
 •  winner: Saddest Stripper of Them All
 •  nominee: Class Clown

Frankly, one of the most creative performers WE's seen in its lifetime, Iris Explosion draws from a treasure trove of chaos, pathos, geekery, and humor in her work.

The only performer to be nominated for a Silver Tusk in both the "tragedy" and "comedy" performance categories, Iris Explosion has been tearing her clothes off on stage with gleeful aplumb on stages including WEBurlesque, D20 Burlesque, The Pink Room (David Lynch burlesque), Rabbit Hole Productions, Lewd!Panic Queer Burlesque and Theatre, and several others, and was a celebrated participant in the 2016 Miss Coney Island pageant.

Classically trained in theatrics, Iris Explosion continues to amaze with her nerdlesque and spins on the classics art of the tease.

Iris won the Beautiful Weirdo award-banana from Alternatease in 2015.