Betsy Radical

Betsy Radical
Betsy Radical first performed with White Elephant Burlesque at its first show in 2006. During her time with us, she created a number of memorable characters on stage including her cupcake-making housewife (which premiered in 2009's The Candyland Brothel opposite Brian Viglione), her seductive policewoman, and several other goofy and glamourpuss looks.

Stemming from the same Rocky Horror background as the first cast of White Elephant, Betsy was a regular participant in several shows, including several appearances on the fetish show circuit, the Floating World, Libertine Ball, and the Rochester Erotic Arts Festival.

Betsy Radical stepped into the producer role in October of 2011 for Say My Name, a benefit for a friend of WEBurlesque who was going through gender identity discrimination.

While Betsy has moved outside of the US, and left burlesque in 2015, WE remembers her fondly and wishes her all of the best.